
I am so incredibly grateful that I felt I needed to attend a SWIM ceremony with Sjoerd, it was simply an amazing experience which I will definitely not forget for the rest of my life! I knew Sjoerd from several multi-day ayahuasca ceremonies I attended in the past. And having had that medicine, I didn’t expect really big things to happen with my first psilocybin and cacao ceremony.. But boy was I wrong.. 😉
The first night I experienced something which I can truly call a divine experience. The second night was the opposite, very tough, but with the kindness and help of Sjoerd and his assistent I managed to release what was blocking me. 
Some things, which I have been battling on and off ever since my first ceremony in 2014, have definitely ‘clicked’ and I feel a new balance. I now clearly see what I need to do in my life, walk my own path following, trusting my intuition, and have faith in myself and my capabilities. No longer searching for approval or feeling the need for confirmation from people close to me or society in a broader sense. 
It was truely a liberating experience. 🙂 Thank you Sjoerd for your wisdom, patience and good care! 
With love, 

I’d been wanting to do something like this for a while now, but knew that it’s important to do it with someone you completely trust. I’d taken Sjoerd’s yoga and breathwork classes about 4 times, and we’d only had one brief face to face conversation, but I immediately felt drawn to his peaceful yet powerful presence, and I knew that this was something that I wanted to do with him. The entire weekend I felt totally looked after, totally supported and understood, which in my opinion is the foundation needed for the experience to be as healing as possible, in whatever form that takes for the individual. All the correspondence and organization leading up to the weekend was efficient and comprehensive. 
During the weekend, I felt there was a perfect balance of time with the group – ceremony time, sharing circles, meals – and time to relax and process your experiences in solitude. The location was in the beautiful nature and a perfect setting for going inward. 
Not only is he so knowledgeable about the ceremony – which is so beautiful to be a part of – he is also a talented musician and meditation teacher which adds so much richness to the whole experience. Even though the plant medicine is primarily what the retreat is about, my experience would not have been the same if i had had a different person leading the ceremony. He embodies the teaching of BEING the experience, taking the “i” out of the equation and just flowing with ease, acceptance and trust. And because of this, he responds to each situation, and to each person in front of him, in an in-tune, harmonious way. 
I came away feeling from the weekend feeling energized, despite the process being emotionally heavy, with a new excitement about life and a deep feeling of contentment. Now, when I close my eyes at night I can transport myself back to the magical atmosphere of the tipi and the fire, I can feel the love which radiated out of the team and everyone with whom I shared the experience, and I have a deep yet indescribable awareness that everything will be ok. 

We’re back in the matrix.
You guys delivered a deep, amazing experience of warmth, love and connectedness.
There are no words for that. There is only feeling, with the heart.
I cannot express my gratitude enough for having been part of this circle.
Thank you for your care and your love.
We will meet again!
With Love

A weekend with Swim was a big dive into myself, in a circle of people where I felt welcome and safe. Knowing everyone had their own process, all these energies flowed through the tipi and I feel that this made the experience even more real. With sjoerd as a guide of the evening I could go deep into my being to places that weren’t easy to reach and that I never really wanted to see. The more I experience myself the more I feel whole and the more I feel love.    

Sjoerd is in staat een warme en veilige omgeving te creëren waarbinnen zich hele mooie helende processen manifesteren. 
Hij voelt feilloos aan wat de groep nodig heeft zonder daarbij de individuele behoefte van de deelnemers uit het oog te verliezen.
Als je opzoek bent naar inzichten in het mysterie van het leven en wil groeien in zelfliefde zijn de sessies van Sjoerd een absolute aanrader. 

I am feeling deep gratitude for the Swim team and their teachings for sharing the medicines and wisdom with me. 
And also to the original keepers of wisdom. I received so much clarity, realignment and renewed sense of purpose from the different medicine plants these past few days. I returned to Amsterdam feeling activated and expanded with lifeforce but most of all recommitted to this path, to the medicine and to pachamama. Thank you Sjoerd for showing us the path of integrity, remembrance and relationship with ancient wisdom. 

Als het donker mij ontmoet
En ik het nog niet kan zien
Dan maken wij een dansje
Om elkaar
En dan spring ik
Is er een weg naar het donker
En terug
Ik zoek licht
Hoe duister kan donker zijn
In het licht

Wat een week heb ik gehad. Ik voel me zoveel lichter.. Gisteren een kleine dip maar over het algemeen gaat het wonderbaarlijk goed. Ik zou bijna zeggen, ik heb weer zin in het leven.. 🙂 DANK je wel.


The setting created by Sjoerd and Timo was beyond special. The spiritual atmosphere, their sincerity and attention te detail combined with down-to earth humor made this the perfect setting for me to experience something I had longed for for such a long time. Exceeded all of my expectations!

Wat een week heb ik gehad. Ik voel me zoveel lichter.. Gisteren een kleine dip maar over het algemeen gaat het wonderbaarlijk goed. Ik zou bijna zeggen, ik heb weer zin in het leven.. 🙂 DANK je wel.


Het was mijn eerste ervaring met een psylocibine ceremonie Sjoerd begeleide deze fantastisch, zijn compassie en gevoeligheid gaven mij de mogelijkheid om diep in mijn proces te gaan en antwoorden te krijgen op de vragen waar ik voor gekomen was.
Het was de veiligheid die hij in de groep wist te waarborgen waardoor iedereen zijn eigen unieke ervaring mocht hebben.
Ongelooflijk hoe snel je een bent met een groep van totaal vreemde mensen.
Niet alleen de ceremonies waren prachtig maar ook de muziek die op de juiste momenten gespeeld werd.
Niet vanuit ego maar puur om het proces te begeleiden.
Nu na 2 weken voel ik nog steeds die zachtheid in mij.

“De ceremonies bij Sjoerd zijn, los van de inhoud, geweldig en te gek! Een goede en veilige omgeving waarin Sjoerd zich opstelt als draagvlak en begeleider voor iedereen. Een prachtige omgeving om jezelf te ontwikkelen en te laten stromen..”


Het weekend was een hele fijne combinatie van de ruimte voor m’n eigen reis. Momenten van rust, stilte voor reflectie, ruimte om alleen en vooral ook mezelf te zijn. Daarnaast was het door de opzet van het programma, de fijne begeleiding en de inspirerende groep ook echt een team en familie gevoel. Naast de mooie inzichten en bijzondere ervaringen tijdens de ceremonie vond Ik de momenten waarop iedereen z”n ervaringen kon delen net zo inspirerend en leerzaam. In elk verhaal kan je je of herkennen of omdat het verder van je af staat er juist van leren of geïnspireerd worden.
De ceremonie zelf was sfeervol en veilig. Ook was er ruimte voor gekkigheid en plezier, voor mij een hele
Bijzondere combinatie.
Het Meeste heb ik gehad aan de waardevolle gesprekken met Sjoerd op de Momenten buiten de ceremonies. Hij weet met goede vragen een empathische  houding, wijsheid en grote hart mij precies hetgeen te geven wat me op dat moment een duwtje in de rug gaf.
Om af te sluiten was er heel veel vrijheid om zelf te kiezen hoe de ceremonies te beleven en hoe diep je wilde gaan. Dit gaf een veilig en ontspannen gevoel.

“What an experience. I had a deep longing and desire to go into ceremony again after a longer absence from it. I longed for diving into the unknown while being together in a circle of like-minded souls. I had encountered multiple plant medicine ceremonies before but this weekend was certainly one of the most beautiful ones. Not only did I feel safe and seen right from the beginning so that I could surrender to the experience that was there to be experienced, but also did I feel a love in the curation of the days and nights that were outstanding. I was able to dive and swim deep. To surrender to a realm that is not visible to the human eye. To experience the gift of medicine and spirits in all forms and shapes. To be guided by true space holders. To truly connect and share the gift of sacred speech in the circles after the night. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It inspired me to go deeper into my work and gifts I want to share with the world. And I cannot wait until we meet again in the tank of love.“


The guidance was gentle, loving, insightful en very sensitive towards the needs of the group. 


Zo’n waanzinnig bijzondere en mooie ervaring. Veel respect en nogmaals dank!
-Willem P.-

I can’t thank you enough for your kindness, generosity and care last weekend. I am still in awe and wonder about the experience. I feel relieved, more connected and more inspired than I have in…ever!? I had the opportunity to work very little this week and take loads of time to reflect and integrate which felt good and kept me in a kind of afterglow of gratitude. Some confronting thoughts come up, too but I feel a lot more openness to go with that part, too. Probably my biggest insight/change that I noticed this week is that it’s easier for me to connect to others (and most importantly my wife). I notice how guarded I was before under a veil of pretend-openness and suddenly I am able to meet her and others from a place of shared vulnerability. Very new to me and very amazing.  
You and Lisanna created an incredible space for the earth medicines. I feel I could not have possibly gone to the places I was led to if I hadn’t felt so safe and cared for. So thank you again.

I’m literally mind blown and mesmerized by the ceremonial weekend. A magical new world has opened up that I’m eager to explore further. It was my first introduction to plant medicine and I couldn’t have had a better experience via the SWIM retreat. You’re in the best care with Sjoerd and his team during the ceremonies and throughout the weekend. I can recommend the retreat to anyone who is curious for an intro to plant medicine or using medicine in ceremony setting!  


Gedragen worden in je proces. Hoe mooi of pittig het ook is. Sjoerd weet precies die steun te geven die jouw helpt om weer een laagje dieper te zakken in je bewustzijn. Om van daaruit de inzichten te krijgen die je nodig hebt om de volgende stap te zetten in je groei. Ik gun iedereen zo’n weekend en kom zeker nog een keertje terug.


I had been looking for quite a while for a place that felt like I could lean back into wherever the psilocybin medicine would take me. The sweet, playful and safe guidance that Sjoerd and his friends gave was exactly what I was hoping for. The weekend had a nice rhythm , with plenty of free time but small rituals as well that led the days and connected the group. The musical guidance was magical. I loved it, thank you, I am definitely coming back.


So much has happened inside since my journey together with Sjoerd and the amazing people around him. They have created a beautiful and safe space for people to reconcile themselves with what lives deep inside them. It has been such a gift to connect with fellow travelers, to laugh and cry together, and to learn from others how the ceremony and the medicine can nourish you and help you grow.
For me the ceremony has allowed me to finally connect with myself, to discover the cause of my pain and to learn to look at myself in a softer, more loving way. Facing yourself like this is definitely not easy but Sjoerd, the medicine and the beautiful tribe of people are there for you. Thank you so much, looking forward to traveling together again!

This weekend was just right, just as it was suppose to be. The feeling of being held by the group, the medicines and nature was amazing. Such a safe space. A place where everything and everyone can just be; white and dark next to each other. An image of a phoenix kept coming up during ceremony, and I think that’s just what it was like for me; a rebirth. Thanks you so much Sjoerd, for helping me see the light and love. 


This weekend was honestly quite life changing for me, and you were so gracious in the space that you held for me as well as all the others. I hope you know the magnitude of the impact the work that you do has on the people you share your light with! It was truly so incredible to see. 

So yes, just wanted to express my thanks and gratitude for such a wonderful experience you were able to provide, and I’m looking very forward to joining another retreat soon. 

